The Snoopi Project- Riviera Maya Spay/Neuter Campaign May 2022 — with Heather Stewart

The Snoopi Project- Riviera Kitty’s House #916 Delivered.
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Kitty’s House #916 Delivered
Thanks to Taco Dog Rescue Society, we were able to provide a much-needed shelter to very deserving Kitty. Kitty is in great shape, well-cared for, and very loved by her family. She just needed protection from the grueling sun and torrential rains we have here in the Mexican Caribbean. Thanks to Taco Dog Rescue Society, we were able to change Kitty’s living situation drastically. This new dog house will give her much needed protection, something we could not have done without this donation!
SO THANK YOU Taco Dog Rescue!
It TRULY takes a village so THANK YOU to all our Snoopi friends and Snoopporters!

July 24/21 Taco Dog Rescue sent $53,842.54 MXN to Riviera Rescue, this helped to spay and neuter over 300 dogs in less than 3 days!

July 16 Taco Dog Rescue sent $2000 USD to Friends of the Cozumel Humane Society
Thank you so very much for your generous $2,000 PayPal contribution to the Friends Of The Cozumel Humane Society, Inc.
It is appreciated and will help us fulfill our mission to provide free spay and neuter services, educate and promote proper pet care, and ending the cycle of sick, suffering and homeless cats and dogs in Cozumel during this difficult time.
The sudden collapse of tourism to the island has had a major impact on us. Local donations have all but stopped. In addition, we are bracing for an increase in abandoned pets due to the economic strains that this is placing on local families who relied on tourism dollars. Your donation will go a long way to helping us keep our doors open!
I am a volunteer with the Humane Society who records the donations, and next January will be sending out the acknowledgement letters required by the IRS as proof of contribution to a 501C3 organization.

May 02, 2021 – Donation to Cozumel Humane Society

March 19, 2021 Thank you so much!! Heather Stewart and Taco Dog Rescue Society

Thanks so much to Taco Dog Rescue Society for the 10.000 Pesos donation to voluntarios perrunos to help us cover the costs of the rescued dogs in Mexico that will travel to Canada. With this money we can buy tests, medicine, food of good quality and vaccines which they need to be able to travel and cover the gas and parking costs of the transfers to the airport.

#rescuedog #adoptdontshop
Muchas gracias a tacos Dog rescue por haber hecho una donacion de 10.000 pesos a voluntarios perrunos , para poder apoyar con los gastos de los perritos rescatados que están en Mexico y que tendrán que viajar a Canadá .
Con este dinero podemos comprar tests, medicinas, comprar croquetas de mejor calidad, comprar las vacunas que necesitan para poder viajar, cubrir los gastos de estacionamiento y de gasolina para el traslado en el aeropuerto #rescuedog#AdoptaNoCompres