
Located in Kelowna – BC (must do a meet and greet)

Available for adoption Okanagan

Meet Indy, a spirited and charming dog with a few quirks that make him a unique and rewarding companion for the right person. Indy is a dog who thrives under good leadership and consistent training, and he’s ready to find his forever home where he can flourish and bring joy to his new family.

From the Trainer

Indy has learned to Stay at Home Along

Indy is fantastic at staying home alone without being destructive or anxious. He has learned to be crated when home alone, and goes in on his own. He has been trained to respond favorably to the crate and the training will need to continue in his new home. He gets a nice bone and a toy each time he goes in, and this is how we help him learn this is a great thing. He does have over attachment so the crate helps him feel safe and keeps his adrenaline down through the day which can be a driver for destructive behaviour caused by separation and anxiety. We don’t want this for Indy so crating is his go to solution

His Love of Other Dogs and Play

Indy makes friends quickly. He is a great social guy and loves to play. He adjusts his play style normally, and has a ton of energy to wrestle and loves to chase. He is a chaser. He is currently fostering in a home with two other puppies, a 7 month Lab X (F, unaltered), a 10 month Coon X (M), an adult male Shepherd, a 13 yr old spaniel, an adult female pitbull X and an elderly chihuahua. He gets along great with everyone, and has learned a few lessons on pack hierarchy from the older siblings, and is a good student. Indy would do best in a home with another younger well adjusted dog that loves to play and wrestle that is close to his age and playstyle.

On the Leash:
Indy is fantastic on a leash – no pulling, very obedient and is balanced with his focus; this means he’s not scattered and reactive to the sounds and movements of the city. This has taken some time for him to adjust coming from Mexico and living rurally. The city isn’t new to him being from Mexico but being on a leash in the city is new for him. We continue to work on his flight/fight response that kicks in when he sees a dog while on a leash. This will take continued positive reinforcement training and a confident owner/handler. Its manageable issue with a person willing to provide guidance and correction. He needs someone who can read the situation during meet and greets, manage interactions, and teach him through correction and praise. Continued training with a professional trainer is recommended.

The Need to Chase and Small Animals

Indy’s breed is unknown but he exhibits trails of a terrier, where he will chase a bird, a marmot and may try to chase your chihuahua. A household with a cat is not recommended as it’s not worth the stress of teaching this dog at this stage to be ok with a cat when he may be designed to chase it. He has done meet and greets with small children and was fine with them, but it’s recommended that he go to a home without small children as it’s too much to learn and we don’t want him chasing little kids through the yard. He wouldn’t understand and it’s not fair to him.

Recall Training:
Indy is receiving recall training and with his chase drive this will be a strong need for off-leash walks and hikes. With good leadership and a consistent training plan, this shouldn’t be hard to achieve. He can be selective in listening but that’s due to focus and less due to obstinance. He needs someone who won’t give him the chance to ignore commands and ongoing professional training is recommended.

Feeling Safe:
Indy is a bit shy and needs to feel safe in his environment. He’s like a little lamb, needing reassurance and a sense of security to thrive. He’s a very gentle guy in nature.

Indy is a very wonderful, gentle and balanced dog with a lot of love to give. He will do best in a home with adults and one other dog that could use a buddy. He will need exercise, some ongoing dedicated training and lots of cuddles. He is incredibly affectionate. He has taken very well to structured daily routines and learns quickly and eagerly. He is very obedient and a loyal little dude. As with all dogs at all ages, leadership and consistency are the keys.  If you’re looking for a playful, loyal, and teachable dog, Indy is ready to be your new best friend. He’s a great dog, worthy of a wonderful home.