Available for adoption Lower Mainland/Okanagan/Sunshine Coast/Island
Male – 16kg 1.5 years old, mixed breed

I was found with my brother, Dante, as a tiny puppy, in a very poor neighborhood in Campeche. We were all covered in scabs and my rescuer was pretty sure we wouldn’t survive. She took us home and began a long, long process of trying to get us healthy. Our itch was contagious so we were isolated from the outside world and that didn’t help us overcome our fear of humans. We like her a lot but we didn’t learn to trust others.
I decided I wanted to live and now my body is strong and it can do wonderful things like run. I look like I am part whippet and I act like a whippet. I can run really fast like the wind and I am freeeeeee and my tongue hangs out and it is the best feeling in the world ahahahahaha! I easily outrun my foster brothers and sisters, boy are they slow? I am also really lean and my metabolism is amazing, don’t hate me, I was born this way.
Like many whippets, I am also kind of nervous around (some) new people. Some of you guys are great right away and I am my goofy loving self around you. But some humans just look at me weird, you know? I am getting a lot faster (pun haha) at getting over my apprehension and I come around quickly but I am never going to be the life of the party. I prefer quiet places and a predictable routine.
I’d like having a nice dog buddy to help me build confidence and stay feeling safe, I miss not having a brother. Like with people, I can be a little insecure around dogs with bad manners, so I am not so sure that the dog park will be my favorite place, at least not for awhile.
My best features other than my stunning brindle coat are my boundless love for my people, my endearing goofiness and my amazing cuddliness, which honestly is off the fricking charts. I may not be a party boy, but I am definitely a forever kind of boy.